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The world of philanthropy is teeming with substantial information - let WSPN help you access it!  If your philanthropic organization doesn't have sufficient funds to send you to the latest AFP conference, Donor's Forum course, or other philanthropy educational event, WSPN can offer financial assistance for these skill-building workshops and trainings.

Application Guidelines:

    • Applications must be submitted a minimum of four weeks prior to the activity.
    • Member is in good standing for the last 12 months.
    • Members have attended 3 WSPN programs in the previous 12 months or served on an active committee in the previous 6 months.
    • Only one scholarship per organization per year will be awarded
    • Scholarship recipients is encouraged to be creative with how they can share their learning with the WSPN membership
    • Awards may be up to $750.00
    • A copy of the completed registration form is required.

If you have questions, please email the WSPN Membership Chair, Marjory Lewe-Brady at

If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please complete the online application form.



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