Hosted by SouthWest Suburban Philanthropic Network, Suburban Chicago Planned Giving Council, and West Suburban Philanthropic Network
Developing Major Gifts Now and in the Future
The current trend of integrating planned and major gift efforts creates an opportunity for gift development professionals to help interested donors maximize their giving both now and in the future. The result may well be a “blended gift,” or one that is partially current and partially deferred (over time or at a later date).
Understanding what, how and why people give is the first step to increasing larger gifts at your organization. This session will examine various aspects of the philanthropic process from both the donor’s and recipient’s point of view, and will include characteristics of those capable of making larger gifts.
We invite all organizations to encourage all executive directors, board members, development committee members, and staff at all levels to take advantage of this program amongst peers as we get close to National Philanthropy Day and celebrating the passion we all have for doing good in this world.
Presenter's Bio
Barlow T. Mann, J.D., has more than three decades of experience in charitable gift planning and serves as Chief Operating Officer of Sharpe Group. At Sharpe, he has been involved with the company’s seminars, marketing and consulting divisions and has worked with hundreds of charitable clients to enhance their efforts to attract special and major gifts, whether current or deferred.
Before joining Sharpe, Barlow was director of development at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center where he was responsible for current, deferred and capital giving for the colleges of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing and allied health. He coordinated resource development projects with the Crippled Children’s Hospital Foundation (now the Children’s Foundation of Memphis) and the University of Tennessee Bowld Hospital. He also has served as director of planned giving for the University of Memphis.
Barlow is a member of the American and Tennessee Bar Associations and has authored articles for Planned Giving Today, Trusts & Estates Magazine, The Journal of Gift Planning and Fundraising Management. His commentaries have been featured in The Chronicle of Philanthropy and The NonProfit Times. Barlow has been a frequent speaker for numerous local and national fundraising groups for more than 30 years. He is a graduate of Tulane University and the University of Memphis School of Law.
Tickets are $75 per person.
CFRE credits: 3.0
Special note: Register by October 31, 2017. Advance registration and payment is required. Walk-ins and payment at door will not be possible for this event.